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Powershell filter ignored in pipeline

I am writing a Chef library to make writing a custom resource for managing Microsoft MSMQ resources on Windows Server easier. Chef interfaces with Windows using Powershell 5.1.

I want to raise an error if my call to Get-MsmqQueue fails and returns $Null. To do so, I have created a filter to raise an error if the value is invalid. This seems to work if I pipeline a $Null value, but if the value is returned from Get-MsmqQueue and is $Null, it does not work.

Does anybody have an idea why line #5 does not raise an error, even if the value is equal to $Null?

#1 filter Test-Null{ if ($Null -ne $_) { $_ } else { Write-Error "object does not exist" }}

#2 $a = $Null
#3 $a | Test-Null | ConvertTo-Json     # this raises an error

#4 $a = Get-MsmqQueue -Name DoesNotExist
#5 $a | Test-Null | ConvertTo-Json     # this does NOT raise an error
#6 $Null -eq $a                        # this evaluates to $True


  • A cmdlet that produces no output doesn't actually emit $null - it (implicitly) emits the [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value singleton that in expressions acts like $null, but in enumeration contexts such as the pipeline enumerates nothing and therefore sends nothing through the pipeline - unlike an actual $null value.

    # True $null *is* sent through the pipeline.
    PS> $var = $null; $var | ForEach-Object { 'here' }
    # [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value is *not*.
    # `& {}` is a simple way to create this value.
    PS> $var = & {}; $var | ForEach-Object { 'here' }
    # !! No output

    As of PowerShell 7.0, [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value can only be discovered indirectly, using obscure techniques such as the following:

    # Only returns $true if $var contains
    # [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value
    $null -eq $var -and @($var).Count -eq 0

    This lack of discoverability is problematic, and improving the situation by enabling the following is the subject of this GitHub proposal.

    $var -is [AutomationNull] # WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell 7.0