Just wanted to ask one question about sub_100036C3, because I did not get the detailed answer that was given in the book.
Brief intro:
Page 107. Question 11. What does the export PSLIST do?
Page 498. Answer: The sub_100036C3 function checks to see if the OS version is Windows Vista/7 or XP/2003/2000.
Disassembled code:
We see instruction:
cmp [ebp+VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion], 5
jb short loc_100036FA
is 5 for XP/2003/2000.
is 6 for Windows Vista/7.
But in disassembled code instruction jb short loc_100036FA
will not jump to loc_100036FA only if dwMajorversion is >= 5 and will jump only if dwMajorVersion < 5 (jump if below).
So in my opinion it could not be used to choose between XP and Vista/7, because 5 and 6 all fall in red arrow.
Please, can someone explain, am I right or what mistake did I do?
The function sub_100036C3 just makes a judgment to determine whether the host operating system is Win2000 or above(This may be why it returns a bool value instead of three options (Windows Vista/7? Or XP/2003/2000? Or neither?)).
If we use disassembly, the logic of this function is roughly as follows:
BOOL sub_100036C3()
OSVERSIONINFOA VersionInformation;
VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA);
return VersionInformation.dwPlatformId == 2 && VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion >= 5;
So as long as the version is not Windows 95, they will follow the middle process.