Here is an example of the time duration format:
16984 = 16 second 984 milliseconds
214032 = 2 minutes 14 seconds, 032 milliseconds
1649871 = 16 minutes 49 seconds and 871 milliseconds
So it looks like the time duration format in human readable format is minutes:seconds:milliseconds
I wrote a function to convert it but I know its not foolproof. I know that the length of the string will be up to 2 <- function(str) {
str <- as.numeric(str)
ms <- c()
ss <- c()
min <- c()
nchar(str) <-c()
if(nchar(str) == 6) {
ms <- as.numeric(substr(str, nchar(str)-2, nchar(str)))
ss <- as.numeric(substr(str, nchar(str)-4, nchar(str)-3))
min <- as.numeric(substr(str, 0, 1)) <- (sum (ms + ss*1000 + min*60000))
} else if(nchar(str) == 5) {
ms <- as.numeric(substr(str, nchar(str)-2, nchar(str)))
ss <- as.numeric(substr(str, nchar(str)-4, nchar(str)-3)) <- (sum (ms + ss*1000))
I've tried using lubridate
to no avail
Embrace the numericity of your input <- function(ptf) {
ms <- as.numeric(ptf) %% 1000
ss <- floor(as.numeric(ptf)/1000) %% 100
mm <- floor(as.numeric(ptf)/100000)
mm*60000 + ss*1000 + ms