I develop simple Xamarin.Forms application with GoogleMaps using MVVMCross. My goal is to center maps' position to user's current location while launching it. Unfortunately I don't know how to bind these values to GoogleMaps' constructor. Right now it's just static value but I want to pass values of latitude and longitude from CurrentLocation object (which has these properties).
<maps:Map MapType="Street" IsShowingUser="True" HasZoomEnabled="True">
Here's part of my ViewModel:
public class NearbyBollardsMapViewModel : MvxViewModel
private Location _currentLocation;
public Location CurrentLocation
get => _currentLocation;
_currentLocation = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentLocation);
public NearbyBollardsMapViewModel(ILocationService locationService)
this._locationService = locationService;
CurrentLocation = _locationService.GetCurrentUsersLocation().Result;
You need to create a PCL class that extends from Maps and add a BindableProperty to it.
(I included the code for the Bindable Property, you can read more Here)
public class BindableMap : Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map
public BindableMap()
public MapSpan MapSpan
get { return (MapSpan)GetValue(MapSpanProperty); }
set { SetValue(MapSpanProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty MapSpanProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
propertyName: "MapSpan",
returnType: typeof(MapSpan),
declaringType: typeof(BindableMap),
defaultValue: null,
defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
validateValue: null,
propertyChanged: MapSpanPropertyChanged);
private static void MapSpanPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var thisInstance = bindable as BindableMap;
var newMapSpan = newValue as MapSpan;
catch (Exception ex)
private MapSpan _mapSpanView;
public MapSpan MapSpanView
get { return _mapSpanView; }
set { SetProperty(ref _mapSpanView, value); }
Position position = new Position((double)Latitude, (double)Longitude);
MapSpanView = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(
<StackLayout x:Name="mapHolder">
MapSpan="{Binding MapSpanView}"
MapType="Street" IsShowingUser="True" HasZoomEnabled="True"/>