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KiokuDB on Windows

I wonder if anybody has been able to successfully use KiokuDB on Windows. Having ActivePerl 5.12.2, I did not find it pre-compiled in ppm repositories. Using cpan, it stopped during testing File::NFSLock. I was able to install it with notest, though.

Simple test below seems to work as documented:

package Person;
use Moose;

has ['name', 'age'] => (is => 'ro');

package main;

use Data::Dump;
use KiokuDB;

my $dir = KiokuDB->connect("hash");

    my $scope   = $dir->new_scope;
    my $obj = Person->new(name => 'Joe', age => 34);

    my $data_id = $dir->store($obj);

    warn $data_id;   # 6702A424-6BF6-1014-B0F5-EC4CE5BB15D7

    my $got = $dir->lookup($data_id);
    dd $got;         # bless({ age => 34, name => "Joe" }, "Person")

Anyone used it for something larger on Windows, say with DBI backend? Do you think it is stable/usable enough to use for some smaller project?

Please provide at least some details of your kind of usage, so I have an idea that matches my plans.


  • I've been successfully using KiokuDB on windows via Strawberry perl.

    I've yet to find a perl module (that isn't obviously linux specific) that doesn't Just Work under it. I've not exactly gone out of my way to try odd things, but KiokuDB, DBIx::Class and Catalyst and all their included deps worked without trouble.