my need is to go over a list but extract only the first two elements out of that list.
i wrote the following code
payload.list.*listItem filter ($.type == "supervisor") map {
// other code
this worked perfectly fine. Then I modified it to extract the first two elements only like this
payload.list.*listItem filter ($.type == "supervisor") [0 to 1] map {
// other code
and it doesnt work anymore. i am getting no error but the other code doesnt work as if the map operator has nothing to go over.
also i need to make it work for a scenario if there is only one element after the filter is applied. how should i change my code to make this work.
The range selector must be used directly over an Array so you just need to properly do the selection:
(payload.list.*listItem filter ($.type == "supervisor"))[0 to 1] map {
// other code