I had a working app, including a few ag-grid
s. I decided to add ui-router
, with the grids in the templateUrl
of a state.
The code is mcuh to large to post, but I have two problems:
is not called when I put it in the controller of the templateUrl I guess that I can get round that by moving the enclosed logic into $transitions.onSuccess({ entering: 'search_result' }, function (transition)
, BUT, when I
const currentCandidatesGridDiv = document.querySelector('#currentCandidatesGrid');
new agGrid.Grid(currentCandidatesGridDiv, Self.currentCandidatesGrid);
I find that currentCandidatesGridDiv
is null, despite having
<div ag-grid="SearchResultController.currentCandidatesGrid"></div>
in the HTML of the templateUrl.
Again, not much help to you without full code, which is very, very large.
I guess that what I am looking for is a working code sample, Plunk, etc to show how to put a simple ag-grid into a ui-router state's templateUrl.
It looks like your actual problem is that you are using a querySelector on the id
# is a selector for an element id
This would only match your element if it had that specified id, which in your example does not exist.
<div ag-grid="SearchResultController.currentCandidatesGrid"></div>
Would need to be
<div id="currentCandidatesGrid" ag-grid="SearchResultController.currentCandidatesGrid"></div>
if you want to get that element via