I have an Imagefield in a model, in my table that field is displayed as a link but when you click on it, it directs to a the url and instead I want to do download it. I foud that in html you can add the "download" attribute like this:
<a href="/media/pictures/CFE.JPG" download></a>
so in my django-tables2:
class PagosDetailTable(tables.Table):
imagen = tables.Column(
attrs={"td": {"href": "download"}})
class Meta:
model = Pagos
template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap-responsive.html"
fields = ('carro', 'semana', 'fecha', 'pago', 'imagen')
attrs = {"class": "table table-hover table-sm"}
but that it overrides the href:
<a href="download"></a>
is there a way to append the download attribute using the tables.Column?
I found a workaround for my issue:
class ImageColumn(tables.Column):
def render(self, value):
return format_html('<a href="/media/{}" download>Imagen</a>', value)
class PagosDetailTable(tables.Table):
imagen = ImageColumn()
class Meta:
model = Pagos
template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap-responsive.html"
fields = ('carro', 'semana', 'fecha', 'pago')
attrs = {"class": "table table-hover table-sm"}