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Facing issue when running data hub flow using REST API in Marklogic

When I am trying to run Data hub flow from REST API using the POST method, I am getting bad request error. I am using postman to run the below flow. I have followed the documentation

But I am able to run the flow using gradle tasks. Can any one help me?


I am getting following error

{ "errorResponse": { "statusCode": 400, "status": "Bad Request", "messageCode": "XDMP-ARGTYPE", "message": "XDMP-ARGTYPE: cts.query(\"cts.andQuery([cts.collectionQuery(\\"test_coll"\\"), ...\") -- arg1 is not of type Node" }


  • In order to use the mlRunFlow REST extension, URIs of the documents must be passed into the endpoint. The endpoint must be driven by en external orchestration tool to manage batching/threads and work distribution. You can read more about batching/threads performance considerations here.

    You're encountering that error message due to an attempt to a portion of the code attempting to run against an entire set of documents matching a source query when the URIs aren't present. That isn't supported and the endpoint should be throwing an explicit error about the missing URIs. I've filed a GitHub issue here.