I've got a list of questions I like to ask to probe a candidates C skills for embedded systems programming. One of the standard questions I have, which is also on a lot of public question lists is this but I'm starting to think it's a bad question:
"Explain or contrast pass-by-value and pass-by-reference in C"
I tell the interviewee that the question has nothing to do with C++ references and I'm looking for an explanation of passing a pointer to a variable vs. a variable and how the callee can modify the variable referenced by the pointer. Extra points for explanation about how passing pointers to structs is more efficient.
Here's the question: is there really "pass by reference" in C?
The signature of the callee clearly defines what's being passed. It's not like you can pass either x or &x to a function and have the compiler figure out what to do. So I would argue that everything is C is pass by value and pass-by-reference is really just passing the value of a pointer.
Is there something fundamentally different about
void f(int *xarg);
int x;
int *xp = &x;
Thanks, Andrew
There is no pass by reference in C.
The closest you can get is pass by pointer, which is actually a pass by value (except that it is the pointer that is copied, not the pointed-to object).
So, you are correct.