I'm working on an Electron project, and I wanted to run it on my raspberry pi 3 B+, which is on Raspbian (installed with NOOBS). I first tried to build my electron app with the following command, and then import it on my rasp through ssh.
npm run electron:linux
The app runs on my computer just fine, but it doesn't launch on my raspberry. I then tried to just git clone my whole project directly on it, but again, I didn't succeed to make it work. Does anyone know why it doesn't work on Raspbian ?
Okay, I found the issue by myself.
On my computer, I was building my app with the following command:
npm run build:prod && electron-builder build --linux
(aka npm run electron:linux
But this won't work on raspbian as it works differently. To build correctly my electron app for a raspberry pi, I needed to use this following command instead, with the option --armv7:
npm run build:prod && electron-builder build --linux --armv7
I hope this answer will help some of you in the future !