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How to make the bar have the same color in the same group when plot in Matlab

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In this figure, we have two groups of bars, A and B. How to make the bars in group A have the same color a, and bars in group B have the same color b. And how to produce the legend for these two groups.



latency = [62.36 80 793.17 215.15 199.39 ; 
           43.21 50 221 206.90 10 ]; 
h = bar(latency, 1);
set(h, 'FaceColor',[64 224 208]./255,'LineWidth', 0.7)
set(gca,'linewidth',0.8,'Fontname', 'Arial', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
set(gca,'XLim',[0.5, size(latency,1)+0.5], ...
   'XTick',[0.69:0.155:1.4 1.70:0.155:2.3], ...
   'XTickLabel',{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'});
box on;


  • You can use two bar plots in one axes:

    h1 = bar(1:5, latency(1,:));
    hold on;
    h2 = bar(7:11, latency(2,:));
    ax = gca;
    ax.XTick = [1:5, 7:11]

    You can use h1 and h2 to access and modify the Bar objects.

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