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how to cfloop query the line if there is only 1 column

this is my sql query

    select    table_name from  tables where  TABLE_NAME  not in ('TBL_SY', 'TBL_USER')


i want to modify the result and execute it as new query for every table name selected by this query

<cffunction name="clean_data" access="remote" returntype="struct" >

            lSqlManager = createObject("component","#request.stMapping.strCFC#.sqlManager");


      <CFQUERY NAME="qResult" DATASOURCE="#request.stMapping.strODBCName#">

      <cfloop query="qResult">
      <cfset str= "delete" & #qResult# >
      QueryExecute  (str);
     return qResult;


  • Simplify this. It will be much easier.

    First, get the tables you want to empty.

    <cfquery name = "tablesToClear">
    select table_name
    from tables
    where table_name not in ('TBL_SY', 'TBL_USER')

    Now create your loop and delete your rows.

    <cfoutput query = "tablesToClear">
    delete from #table_name#