In this code, I am trying to extract week days from a string. I created a dictionary named dayDictionary to access to week days faster
dayDictionary is populated perfectly, but I can't access the element, it always returning nil
dictionary accessing code snip is
for word in components {
//print(String (word))
if previous == "to" {
//print("Hi end")
endIndex = dayDictionary[String (word)] ?? -1
if word == "to" {
//print("Hi Start")
startIndex = dayDictionary[previous] ?? -1
if let validIndex = dayDictionary[String (word)] {
duration += [validIndex]
previous = String (word)
Here's the full code for better understanding
func findWeekDays(sentence: String, weekdays: [String]) -> [Int] {
var dayDictionary: [String : Int] = [:]
for index in 0..<weekdays.count {
dayDictionary[weekdays[index]] = index
let components = sentence.split{ !$0.isLetter }
var duration: [Int] = []
var startIndex: Int = -1
var endIndex: Int = -1
var previous: String = ""
for word in components {
//print(String (word))
if previous == "to" {
//print("Hi end")
endIndex = dayDictionary[String (word)] ?? -1
if word == "to" {
//print("Hi Start")
startIndex = dayDictionary[previous] ?? -1
if let validIndex = dayDictionary[String (word)] {
duration += [validIndex]
previous = String (word)
//print("\(startIndex), \(endIndex)")
if startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 {
if startIndex > endIndex {
for index in startIndex...6 {
duration += [index]
for index in 0...endIndex {
duration += [index]
if duration.count == 0 {
duration += [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
return duration
func userInput() {
let weekdays: [String] = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]
let userSting: String = "Set alarm Monday to Friday"
let dayIndex: [Int] = findWeekDays(sentence: userSting, weekdays: weekdays)
for index in dayIndex {
You should use dayDictionary[word.description.lowercased()]
instead of dayDictionary[String(word)]
I tried with Playground and I added some print
lines to for loop ->
for word in components {
print("word is: \(word)")
print("components is: \(components)")
print("previous is: \(previous)")
print("dayDictionary is: \(dayDictionary)")
print("item in dayDict is: \(dayDictionary[word.description.lowercased()])")
if previous == "to" {
print("Hi end")
endIndex = dayDictionary[String(word)] ?? -1
if word == "to" {
print("Hi Start")
startIndex = dayDictionary[previous] ?? -1
if let validIndex = dayDictionary[word.description.lowercased()] {
duration += [validIndex]
previous = String(word)
Then the output is:
1st iteration
word is: Set
components is: ["Set", "alarm", "Monday", "to", "Friday"]
previous is:
dayDictionary is: ["tuesday": 1, "wednesday": 2, "saturday": 5, "monday": 0, "thursday": 3, "sunday": 6, "friday": 4]
item in dayDict is: nil
2nd iteration
word is: alarm
components is: ["Set", "alarm", "Monday", "to", "Friday"]
previous is: Set
dayDictionary is: ["tuesday": 1, "wednesday": 2, "saturday": 5, "monday": 0, "thursday": 3, "sunday": 6, "friday": 4]
item in dayDict is: nil
3rd iteration
word is: Monday
components is: ["Set", "alarm", "Monday", "to", "Friday"]
previous is: alarm
dayDictionary is: ["tuesday": 1, "wednesday": 2, "saturday": 5, "monday": 0, "thursday": 3, "sunday": 6, "friday": 4]
item in dayDict is: Optional(0)
4th iteration
word is: to
components is: ["Set", "alarm", "Monday", "to", "Friday"]
previous is: Monday
dayDictionary is: ["tuesday": 1, "wednesday": 2, "saturday": 5, "monday": 0, "thursday": 3, "sunday": 6, "friday": 4]
item in dayDict is: nil
Hi Start
5th iteration
word is: Friday
components is: ["Set", "alarm", "Monday", "to", "Friday"]
previous is: Monday
dayDictionary is: ["tuesday": 1, "wednesday": 2, "saturday": 5, "monday": 0, "thursday": 3, "sunday": 6, "friday": 4]
item in dayDict is: Optional(4)
Please look at the third and fifth iterations. We could get the item from dayDictionary