I was trying to implement the simulte provided at https://github.com/brianmc95/simulte. I am using omnet 5.0 and inet 3.4 as recommended in the readme file. I am using veins 4.5 and sumo 0.29.0 and working on windows 10. So while integrating all of these together,there was no error but while simulating mode 4 and mode 4 validation present in simulte,i am getting errors with vector and scalar files. I am attaching screenshots. Kindly help me with this.
If you are using the omnetpp.ini
file included in version 1.1.0 of Brian's code, your OMNeT++ simulation will try to use a file name for writing to its result files that is invalid on your machine. See lines 14 and 15 of omnetpp.ini for how/where it is configured. Change these lines and the error should go away.