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Qt QWebEngine Remote Debugging: Chrome developer tools no longer work

Recently after some software updates (automated Windows 10 update, and possibly a Chrome auto-update) the developer tools for remote debugging from Qt's QWebEngine stopped working. The JavaScript console shows this:

Uncaught TypeError: document.registerElement is not a function
    at Object.UI.registerCustomElement (shell.js:formatted:18064)
    at shell.js:formatted:18178
    at shell.js:formatted:18266
devtools_app.js:formatted:2606 Uncaught ReferenceError: SDK is not defined
    at devtools_app.js:formatted:2606

The code in question (from shell.js) is this:

UI.registerCustomElement = function(localName, typeExtension, prototype) {
    return document.registerElement(typeExtension, {
        prototype: Object.create(prototype),
        extends: localName

What is shell.js and where does it come from? What could be the cause of this problem?

The web page is actually being run in a Qt 5.12.3 web browser, but I'm using Chrome (remotely) for the Developer Tools.

I also upgraded Angular 7.x to Angular 8 at the same time, but no longer believe this is related.

My Chrome is currently version 80.0.3987.116 (Official Build) (64-bit).

UPDATE I just tried downloading an older release of Chromium. (I tried Version 77.0.3823.0 since this dates back to mid-2019.) And debugging there WORKS.



    Chrome 80 has deprecated WebComponents v0 which is used by these devtools.

    Solution is to launch Chrome with extra parameters re-enabling the feature (while it's still in the engine):


    Or to use a Chromium build corresponding to Chrome 79.x, e.g.


    See: Chrome devtools inspector showing blank white screen while debugging with Samsung TV Tizen Web application