I originally had a SVN repository with multiples projects in it.
I converted it to a GIT repository using SubGit.
The repository:
This repository has multiple branches (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, master).
I'm trying to split my repository into multiple repositories, keeping the full history and branches in each repository.
I was able to do it using this script https://stackoverflow.com/a/26033230/2558653
cd $repoDir
git checkout --detach
git branch | grep --invert-match "*" | xargs git branch -D
for remote in `git branch --remotes | grep --invert-match "\->"`
git checkout --track $remote
git add -vA *
git commit -vam "Changes from $remote" || true
git remote remove origin
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter $folder -- --all
#prune old objects
rm -rf .git/refs/original/*
git reflog expire --all --expire-unreachable=0
git repack -A -d
git prune
#upload to new remote
git remote add origin $newOrigin
git push origin master
for branch in `git branch | grep -v '\*'`
git push origin $branch
It worked, but now the repository of my subfolder is 2,7GB, while the current files are only 20 MB.
I tried this command to list large files in the repository , and I remarked that some files are not in my subproject and should have been removed :
git rev-list --objects --all \
| grep "$(git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/*.idx \
| sort -k 3 -n \
| tail -10 \
| awk '{print$1}')"
00a2e4e398bd1805ad2524d86276ee72216c1f67 OtherFolder/Distribution/NsiScripts/file.exe
Is there a way to way to adapt the script to remove all files that are not in my subfolder and reduce the size ? Is that what the script was supposed to do?
Finally, the script I used was working, but I was taking all branches. And my "Project2" folder was not in some old branches, So it kept all the folders for these branches...
So I had to take only the branches where the "Project2" exists
for remote in `git branch --remotes | grep --invert-match "\->\|origin/v1\|origin/v2\|origin/v3"`
And if someone try to keep mutliple folders when spliting, it can be done using :
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --ignore-unmatch --cached -qr -- . && git reset -q $GIT_COMMIT -- Project1/ Project2/' --prune-empty -- --all