I am using below code to find users in Department :
string searhString="IT Admin Onsite";
var departmentPeoples = await graphServiceClient.Users.Request().Filter($"department eq '{searchString}'").Select(u => new {
But, i want to search all Department which contains ,hence my searchString will be
string searhString="Admin";
I have tries startswith ,but that will work only when my searchString is "IT" in the given example code. How to achieve this Task?
Please Help.
I'm afraid that contains
is not supported on any Microsoft Graph resources.
See details here.
Note: The following $filter operators are not supported for Azure AD resources: ne, gt, ge, lt, le, and not. The contains string operator is currently not supported on any Microsoft Graph resources.
Currently you could get all the results and filter with the Department in your C# code.