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Understanding schematron validation

I am new to xml and I am having difficulties in understanding what is happening in the below statement. The Schematron file is from

<sch:rule context="//*[contains(name(),'MeteorologicalAerodromeTrendForecast')]/iwxxm:weather">
<sch:assert test="@xlink:href = document('')/rdf:RDF/*/skos:member/*/@*[local-name()='about'] or @nilReason">
MeteorologicalAerodromeTrendForecast iwxxm:weather elements should be a member of

I understand that there is a rule to check the element iwxxm:weather, but i am unable to understand the test condition. Can anyone explain it to me please? For what value, the test will pass.

The test is failing at a line in the xml which is

<iwxxm:MeteorologicalAerodromeForecast gml:id="uuid.c42e9861-aed6-449f-b4cd-4789e96464d5" cloudAndVisibilityOK="false">
          <iwxxm:prevailingVisibility uom="m">350</iwxxm:prevailingVisibility>
            <iwxxm:AerodromeSurfaceWindForecast variableWindDirection="false">
              <iwxxm:meanWindDirection uom="deg">240</iwxxm:meanWindDirection>
              <iwxxm:meanWindSpeed uom="[kn_i]">8</iwxxm:meanWindSpeed>
 Here ---->         <iwxxm:weather xlink:href=""/> 



  • The Schematron assertion is verifying that one of the following two conditions are met:

    1. the xlink:href attribute value of the iwxxm:weather context element is equal to that of the about attribute from a particular RDF document:

      • The document() function is used to access an external XML document. In this case, it is the RDF document.
      • Then it applies an XPath to select the attribute that has a local-name of about (doesn't matter if it is bound to a namespace or not)
      • that is attached to an element (doesn't matter what the name of the element is)
      • that is the child of a skos:member element
      • that is the child of an element (doesn't matter what the name of the element is)
      • that is the child of the rdf:RDF document element.

    For instance, if the RDF document looked like this:

      <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" 
          <bar skos:about=""/>
    1. or the iwxxm:weather context element has a nilReason attribute

    For instance, if the element were to look like this:

    <iwxxm:weather nilReason="true" />