I have the following df
0 05/08/2013 16:04:02:155
1 05/08/2013 16:04:02:170
2 05/08/2013 16:04:02:217
3 10/07/2013 16:40:51:787
4 07/24/2014 09:50:30:228
Name: ctimestamp, dtype: object
I need convert to date time
df['ctimestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ctimestamp'])
But I have this error
raise ParserError("Unknown string format: %s", timestr)
dateutil.parser._parser.ParserError: Unknown string format: 05/08/2013 16: 04: 02: 155
make: *** [test] Error 1
You need to specify the date format for your string because it is not in the most popular format:
pd.to_datetime(df['ctimestamp'], format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S:%f")
This will work.