Search code examples

Unexpected '{' and 'else'

Trying to make a function where a vector for "scores" can be saved, and then this function would determine the qualitative rating of the score. I've rearranged my brackets multiple times, but I still get those errors. Also getting errors with the "else" as well.

    credit_fun <- function(scores){
      if (scores>300 & scores<579)(incbounds = TRUE){
    'Very Poor';
    } else if (scores>580 & scores<669)(incbounds = TRUE){
    } else if (scores>670 & scores<739)(incbounds = TRUE){
    } else if (scores>740 & scores<799)(incbounds = TRUE){
    'Very Good';
    } else if (scores>800 & scores<850)(incbounds = TRUE){


  • We could use between and case_when

    credit_fun <- function(scores) {
          case_when(between(scores, 300, 579) ~ "Very Poor",
                    between(scores, 580, 669) ~ "Fair",
                    between(scores, 670, 739) ~ "Good",
                    between(scores, 740, 779) ~ "Very Good", 
                    TRUE ~ "Exceptional")

    Or another option is cut

    credit_fun <- function(scores) {
               cut(scores, breaks = c(-Inf, 300, 580, 670, 740, Inf),
                     labels = c("Very Poor", "Fair", "Good", "Very Good", "Exceptional"))

    Or with findInterval

    credit_fun <- function(scores) {
       c("Very Poor", "Fair", "Good", "Very Good", "Exceptional")[findInterval(scores, 
                     c(300, 580, 670, 740))]