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Update Text() based on user input in a TextFormField() within a container in a ListVIew

I'm new to flutter and have a ... challenge with the above.

I retrive data about several objects / documents from FireStore and create a ListView.

The logic, or lack there of, look like this:

                 Rows, Columns, Text and whatever to display each document from StreamBuilder.

This ListView contains several Containers where each Container display data from one object. Within each Container there is a TextFormField that takes a double. Based on this value, I want to change a Text() within the same container - a calculation.

Is this possible? If so - how? I understand I can use TextEditController somehow, but then the result of tha calculation will be editable. Or?

return new ListView(//
  children: getMedicationItem(asyncSnapshot
    shrinkWrap: true,
    children: document) {
      MyObject object = new MyObject(document, integerValue);
      backgroundColor = !backgroundColor;
      return new Container(
        color: backgroundColor? Colors.black26: Colors.white,
          child: new Row(
            children: <Widget>[
              new Flexible(
                child: TextFormField(
                  onChanged: (text) {
                    double calculation = 0.0;
                    if (text.length > 0)
                      calculation = double.tryParse(text) * 23;
                    **UPDATE "$calculation" in Text() below** 
                  keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
                  inputFormatters: [_decimal_validator],
              new Flexible(
                child: Text("$calculation"),


  • All you should need to do is use a setState to tell Flutter that the variable has changed and you want whichever Widgets that use it rebuilt:

    if (text.length > 0){
        calculation = double.tryParse(text) * 23;