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beta reduction strategies in Haskell

This is my first time learning functional programming. I do understand how simple beta reduction works.

for example:


means that you substitute the xs with 5.


However, other examples confuse me

(\f->f(f 0))(\x->x+1)

We have learned about some evaluation strategies, head normal form and weak head normal forms.

from my notes, I understand that head normal form means no redex expression, while weak head normal form means there is a lambda abstraction.

This doesn't make any sense to me. Do one of the two apply to this last example? If so, what would be an example of the other strategy?


  • The term

    (\f -> f (f 0)) (\x -> x+1)

    is neither in head normal form nor in weak head normal form. This term is the application of a lambda (specifically, \f -> f (f 0)) to a term (specifically, \x -> x+1), and so:

    1. There is a redex. Recall that a redex is defined as the application of a lambda to a term. Since there is a redex somewhere in the expression -- and in particular, at the very top level, in this case -- this is not in head normal form.
    2. The top level of the term is an application, not a lambda, so this is not in weak head normal form.

    Neither "head normal form" nor "weak head normal form" is an evaluation strategy. Forms are adjectives which describe terms; evaluation strategies, in general, are verbs which describe how to change one term into another term.