I wish there was something like entryof
to typeguard entries like this:
const carDude = {
name: "Tom",
age: 45,
car: "Porsche 911"
interface Dude {
name: string;
age: number;
.filter((entry): entry is entryof Dude =>
entry[0] === "name" || entry[0] === "age"
How to work around that using a typeguard?
I'd be inclined to define EntryOf
like this:
type EntryOf<T extends object> = { [K in keyof T]: [K, T[K]] }[keyof T];
That will take an object type T
and make it into a union of entry tuples. Then your code could be written as
const ret = Object.entries(carDude).filter((entry): entry is EntryOf<Dude> =>
entry[0] === "name" || entry[0] === "age"
/* const ret: (["name", string] | ["age", number])[] */
and you see that the returned array type has elements of type ["name", string] | ["age", number]
, as I assume you wanted.
Hope that helps; good luck!