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Google alert policy triggers issues based on cloud storage bucket object count

I have been trying to setup alert policies(thru stack-driver) to get email notifications whenever there is new object in the cloud storage bucket.

But the issue here is, it works sometimes after a while and most of the other times, it wont.

How do we make the alerts triggered immediately as in when there is a new file in the bucket(multiple times per day).

Below is the code:

resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy" {
  display_name = "File notification"
  combiner     = "OR"
  notification_channels = ["${}"]

  conditions {
    display_name = "File Notification"

    condition_threshold {
      comparison        = "COMPARISON_LT"
      duration          = "60s" 
      filter            = "metric.type=\"\" resource.type=\"gcs_bucket\" resource.label.\"bucket_name\"=\"realbucketname\""
      threshold_value   = 1

      aggregations {
        alignment_period        = "60s"
        per_series_aligner      = "ALIGN_COUNT"

      trigger {
        count = 1
  documentation {
    content = "There is a new file"

Appreciate your inputs!

Thank you


  • Thank you. I had it fixed by removing aggregations in my scripts,

    It worked as expected now !!!

        condition_threshold {   
          comparison        = "COMPARISON_GT"
          duration          = "60s" 
          filter            = "metric.type=\"\" resource.type=\"gcs_bucket\" resource.label.\"bucket_name\"=\"realbucketname\""
          threshold_value   = 1