I'm trying to follow along this article on how to create a mutation on a rails server using GraphQl https://www.howtographql.com/graphql-ruby/4-authentication
However, I'm stuck at the CreateUser Mutation step, I get the follow error hash when trying it out in GraphiQL:
"errors": [
"message": "Field 'createUser' is missing required arguments: input",
"locations": [
"line": 45,
"column": 3
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser",
"extensions": {
"code": "missingRequiredArguments",
"className": "Field",
"name": "createUser",
"arguments": "input"
"message": "Field 'createUser' doesn't accept argument 'username'",
"locations": [
"line": 46,
"column": 5
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser",
"extensions": {
"code": "argumentNotAccepted",
"name": "createUser",
"typeName": "Field",
"argumentName": "username"
"message": "Field 'createUser' doesn't accept argument 'authProvider'",
"locations": [
"line": 47,
"column": 5
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser",
"extensions": {
"code": "argumentNotAccepted",
"name": "createUser",
"typeName": "Field",
"argumentName": "authProvider"
"message": "Variable $username is declared by CreateUser but not used",
"locations": [
"line": 44,
"column": 1
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser"
"extensions": {
"code": "variableNotUsed",
"variableName": "username"
"message": "Variable $email is declared by CreateUser but not used",
"locations": [
"line": 44,
"column": 1
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser"
"extensions": {
"code": "variableNotUsed",
"variableName": "email"
"message": "Variable $password is declared by CreateUser but not used",
"locations": [
"line": 44,
"column": 1
"path": [
"mutation CreateUser"
"extensions": {
"code": "variableNotUsed",
"variableName": "password"
I just followed the code in the article, my files:
module Mutations
class CreateUser < BaseMutation
# often we will need input types for specific mutation
# in those cases we can define those input types in the mutation class itself
class AuthProviderSignupData < Types::BaseInputObject
argument :credentials, Types::AuthProviderCredentialsInput, required: false
argument :username, String, required: true
argument :auth_provider, AuthProviderSignupData, required: false
type Types::UserType
def resolve(username: nil, auth_provider: nil)
username: username,
email: auth_provider&.[](:credentials)&.[](:email),
password: auth_provider&.[](:credentials)&.[](:password)
module Types
class UserType < BaseObject
field :id, ID, null: false
field :email, String, null: false
field :username, String, null: false
field :photo, String, null: true
field :phone, String, null: false
field :island, IslandType, null: false, method: :island
field :archipel, ArchipelType, null: false, method: :archipel
field :created_at, String, null: false
field :updated_at, String, null: false
I have no clue where this 'input' thing is coming from.
Without realizing I inilialized my project with a configuration that used Relay.
By commenting this code inside my **_schema.rb file it worked again.
# Opt in to the new runtime (default in future graphql-ruby versions)
# use GraphQL::Execution::Interpreter
# use GraphQL::Analysis::AST
# Add built-in connections for pagination
# use GraphQL::Pagination::Connections
As well as these lines inside base_mutation.rb and replaces with these.
# class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation
# argument_class Types::BaseArgument
# field_class Types::BaseField
# input_object_class Types::BaseInputObject
# object_class Types::BaseObject
# end
class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation
null false