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How change the theme of a timeseries plots in FusionCharts?

I am not able to change the theme of a timeseries chart in a Python project. I have ensured that I cleared all cache, and that I have fusioncharts.theme.candy.js file is loaded in the . Now, I am doing this in my Python file after importing fusioncharts:

timeSeries.AddAttribute('chart', '{}') 
timeSeries.AddAttribute('caption', '{"text":"My Awesome Chart"}') timeSeries.AddAttribute('theme', '{"text":"candy"}') 
timeSeries.AddAttribute('yaxis', '[{"plot":{"value":"kW","connectnulldata":true},"format":{"suffix":"INR"},"title":"Book Sales"}]') 

My challenge is : I am always getting the fusion theme, instead of candy. How can I change the theme?


  • Here is an example

     timeSeries.AddAttribute("chart", """{

    Here is a demo in plain js -

    ​Please check the theme attribute is applied in the chart object of the datasource.