I have a radautocomplete
in one of my pages and I'm using bottom-navigation in my app.
The first time I navigate to that page is fine, but after that, when I navigate to that page, the suggestions menu automatically pops open as if I had typed something in the autocomplete but I have not. I even put a textfields
above that in my form to steal the focus but that didn't make things any better.
Here is a playground sample
In case playground breaks in the future:
<Page actionBarHidden="true">
<BottomNavigation :selectedIndex="activePage">
<label text="0" />
<label text="1" />
<button text="go to 1" @tap="activePage=1" />
<TextField v-model="textFieldValue" hint="Enter text..."
backgroundColor="lightgray" />
<RadAutoCompleteTextView ref="autocomplete"
:items="choices" backgroundColor="lightgray"
completionMode="Contains" returnKeyType="done"
width="100%" borderRadius="5" />
import {
} from "tns-core-modules/data/observable-array";
import {
} from "nativescript-ui-autocomplete";
export default {
data() {
return {
textFieldValue: "",
choices: new ObservableArray(
["one", "two", "three"].map(r => new TokenModel(r))
activePage: 0
<style scoped>
TabContentItem>* {
font-size: 30;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: center;
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
import App from './components/App';
import RadAutoComplete from 'nativescript-ui-autocomplete/vue';
new Vue({ render: h => h('frame', [h(App)]) }).$start();
I guess the issue is specific to Android, iOS seem to work fine. You may raise an issue at Github, meanwhile a possible workaround is to set visibility
on suggestion view on unloaded
event, toggle it back on textChanged
Changing visibility
seems to hide the suggestion view but still occupy the same so components below auto complete field becomes inaccessible. I believe setSuggestionViewHeight(...)
may solve this.