I'm trying to display FontAwesome Icons in my tabbed view but swift isn't having it.
Here is my code:
TabView(selection: $selection){
Text(" \u{f466} First View")
.tabItem {
Text("\u{f466} First Vw")
Text("Second View")
.tabItem {
Text("\u{f466} First View")
}.font(Font.custom("Font Awesome 5 Free", size:18))
It's utilizing the custom font in the first Text (main labels) but not in the tabs.
How do I fix this?
FontAwesome unfortunately does not work with tabItem
. As for the reason why, so far I couldn't find it. As you can see, in simple Text
, it works!
The good news is, there's a work around for that.
Using FontAwesome.swift
pod 'FontAwesome.swift'
Github: https://github.com/thii/FontAwesome.swift
var body: some View {
TabView(selection: $selection){
Text("First View")
.tabItem {
Image(uiImage: UIImage.fontAwesomeIcon(name: .coffee, style: .solid, textColor: .black, size: CGSize(width: 30, height: 30)))
Text("First Vw")
Text("\u{f075} Second View")
.font(Font.custom("FontAwesome5Free-Solid", size:18))
.tabItem {
Text("\u{f075} First View")
}.font(Font.custom("FontAwesome5Free-Solid", size:18))
We make an Image
object for our tabItem
, but using UIImage
And that UIImage
will be coming from FontAwesome.