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How to make inference on local PC with the model trained on AWS SageMaker by using the built-in algorithm Semantic Segmentation?

Similar to the issue of The trained model can be deployed on the other platform without dependency of sagemaker or aws service?.

I have trained a model on AWS SageMaker by using the built-in algorithm Semantic Segmentation. This trained model named as model.tar.gz is stored on S3. So I want to download this file from S3 and then use it to make inference on my local PC without using AWS SageMaker anymore. Since the built-in algorithm Semantic Segmentation is built using the MXNet Gluon framework and the Gluon CV toolkit, so I try to refer the documentation of mxnet and gluon-cv to make inference on local PC.

It's easy to download this file from S3, and then I unzip this file to get three files:

  1. hyperparams.json: includes the parameters for network architecture, data inputs, and training. Refer to Semantic Segmentation Hyperparameters.
  2. model_algo-1
  3. model_best.params

Both model_algo-1 and model_best.params are the trained models, and I think it's the output from net.save_parameters (Refer to Train the neural network). I can also load them with the function mxnet.ndarray.load.

Refer to Predict with a pre-trained model. I found there are two necessary things:

  1. Reconstruct the network for making inference.
  2. Load the trained parameters.

As for reconstructing the network for making inference, since I have used PSPNet from training, so I can use the class gluoncv.model_zoo.PSPNet to reconstruct the network. And I know how to use some services of AWS SageMaker, for example batch transform jobs, to make inference. I want to reproduce it on my local PC. If I use the class gluoncv.model_zoo.PSPNet to reconstruct the network, I can't make sure whether the parameters for this network are same those used on AWS SageMaker while making inference. Because I can't see the image in detail.

As for loading the trained parameters, I can use the load_parameters. But as for model_algo-1 and model_best.params, I don't know which one I should use.


  • The following code works well for me.

    import mxnet as mx
    from mxnet import image
    from import test_transform
    import gluoncv
    # use cpu
    ctx = mx.cpu(0)
    # load test image
    img = image.imread('./img/IMG_4015.jpg')
    img = test_transform(img, ctx)
    img = img.astype('float32')
    # reconstruct the PSP network model
    model = gluoncv.model_zoo.PSPNet(2)
    # load the trained model
    # make inference
    output = model.predict(img)
    predict = mx.nd.squeeze(mx.nd.argmax(output, 1)).asnumpy()