I am trying to create a Bootstrap sidebar like this picture here.
I have looked at all the code on react-bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap and I am yet to find a how-to code this. Basically, if they are viewing on a desktop, I want the sidebar to be visible, otherwise hidden.
The sidebar should stay still while the content on the page scrolls up and down.
Ok so for people who want to make a sidebar sadly the news is you gotta make it all yourself.
What I have done is the following.
import React from "react"; import {Nav} from "react-bootstrap"; import { withRouter } from "react-router"; import '../pages/style/Dashboard.css' const Side = props => { return ( <> <Nav className="col-md-12 d-none d-md-block bg-light sidebar" activeKey="/home" onSelect={selectedKey => alert(`selected ${selectedKey}`)} > <div className="sidebar-sticky"></div> <Nav.Item> <Nav.Link href="/home">Active</Nav.Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Nav.Link eventKey="link-1">Link</Nav.Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Nav.Link eventKey="link-2">Link</Nav.Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Nav.Link eventKey="disabled" disabled> Disabled </Nav.Link> </Nav.Item> </Nav> </> ); }; const Sidebar = withRouter(Side); export default Sidebar
.sidebar { position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; min-height: 100vh !important; z-index: 100; padding: 48px 0 0; box-shadow: inset -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); } #sidebar-wrapper{ min-height: 100vh !important; width: 100vw; margin-left: -1rem; -webkit-transition: margin .25s ease-out; -moz-transition: margin .25s ease-out; -o-transition: margin .25s ease-out; transition: margin .25s ease-out; } #sidebar-wrapper .sidebar-heading { padding: 0.875rem 1.25rem; font-size: 1.2rem; } #page-content-wrapper { min-width: 0; width: 100%; }
Then final step In the file you want it to be show in do the following
import React from "react";
import {Container, Row, Col, Card, Form, Button } from "react-bootstrap";
import { withRouter } from "react-router";
import Sidebar from "../moduls/sidebar.js";
import './style/Dashboard.css'
const Dash = props => {
return (
<Container fluid>
<Col xs={2} id="sidebar-wrapper">
<Sidebar />
<Col xs={10} id="page-content-wrapper">
this is a test
const Dashboard = withRouter(Dash);
export default Dashboard