This question is related to another question with which I have been struggling: How to access CORBA interface without IDL or late-bound invoke remoting methods
I'm really stumped on how to get past this error about the CodeSet not being specified. I have been tracing into the IIOP code trying to figure out how the CodeSet can be specified, and it looks like it could be specified with a tagged component associated with the profile. Being unfamiliar with CORBA, I don't know what a tagged component is or what a profile is or how to control them, but I suspect that it may be influenced by creating a portable object interceptor, at which point I could add a tagged CodeSet component to the profile, if that means anything. I'm just going by what I can learn from the IIOP.NET code and Google.
Could someone please help me understand and hopefully control this? If the server is a black box and I need to write a client to call a method that outputs a string, how do I tell IIOP.NET what WChar CodeSet to use so it doesn't give me an error about it being unspecified. I tried OverrideDefaultCharSets from the client, but that didn't seem to have any effect. The IIOP sample code for that function shows it being used on the server side.
This was a real pain to work out, but I got it:
class MyOrbInitializer :
public void post_init( info)
// Nothing to do
public void pre_init( info)
{ codec = info.codec_factory.create_codec(
new, 1, 2));
Program.m_codec = codec;
class Program
public static m_codec;
static void Main(string[] args)
IOrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
orb.OverrideDefaultCharSets(CharSet.UTF8, WCharSet.UTF16);
orb.RegisterPortableInterceptorInitalizer(new MyOrbInitializer());
MarshalByRefObject objRef = context.resolve(names);
string origObjData = orb.object_to_string(objRef);
Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior iorObj = new Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior(origObjData);
CodeSetComponentData cscd = new CodeSetComponentData(
new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.CharSet.UTF8 },
new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.WCharSet.UTF16 }); codesetcomp = new, m_codec.encode_value(cscd));
string newObjData = iorObj.ToString();
MarshalByRefObject newObj = (MarshalByRefObject)orb.string_to_object(newObjData);
ILicenseInfo li = (ILicenseInfo)newObj;
Unfortunately in my case the problem remained that the byte ordering was backwards too, so I had to go with an entirely different solution based on just getting bytes back and manually converting them to a string instead of getting string directly.