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Undestanding p-value and '***'

I have a dilemma regarding significance in . I don't really understand something. For example if I have:

enter image description here

Does it show a significant relationship? Because the seems to be greater than 0.05, but actually there are "***". Hope you can make me understand that. I'am not that familiar with [Tag:R,] I used to work with SPSS, it wasn't actually like here. Thanks!


  • By default R uses the scientific notation. For example, p-value of 0.05 will be represented as 5e-2 (you can type it in console).

    You can change the default by typing options(scipen = 999). In addition, you can set the number of digits to round automatically using options(digits = 3).

    For a very easy to understand explanation on how scientific notation works, you can look here.