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Cython generated c/cpp files in poetry sdist tar.gz for no-cython-installation

I use Poetry to build tar.gz. and .whl of my package. Cython docs recommend to distribute cython generated c files along with pyx ones.

What should I add to or pyproject.toml to generate c/cpp files by calling poetry build and poetry build -f sdist?

I tried this (from Create package with cython so users can install it without having cython already installed):

from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist
class sdist(_sdist):
    def run(self):
        # Make sure the compiled Cython files in the distribution are up-to-date

def build(setup_kwargs):
        'cmdclass': {'sdist': sdist,
                     'build_ext': build_ext}

Not worked for me.


  • The current version of poetry (1.0.5) ignores custom when building an sdist, so there's no chance without modifying poetry first. In the meantime, you can use third-party projects like taskipy to replace the poetry build command with a custom one, e.g.

    # pyproject.toml
    cython = "^0.29.15"
    taskipy = "^1.1.3"
    sdist = "cython fib.pyx && poetry build -f sdist"

    and execute poetry run task sdist instead of poetry build -f sdist.