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How to use one sql parameter to represent input array

Is there a way to write sql for Oracle, MS SQL:

Select * from table where id in(:arr)

Select * from table where id in(@arr)

With one param in sql 'arr' to represent an array of items? I found examples that explode arr to @arr0,.., @arrn and feed array as n+1 separate parameters, not array, like this

Select * from table where id in(:arr0, :arr1, :arr2)

Select * from table where id in(@arr0, @arr1, @arr2)

Not what i want. These will cause change in sql query and this creates new execution plans based on number of parameter.

I ask for .net, c# and Oracle and MS SQL.

Thanks for constructive ideas!



  • In addition to a Table Valued Parameter as Steve mentioned, there are a couple of other techniques available. For example you can parse a delimited string


    Declare @arr varchar(50) = '10,20,35'
    Select A.*
     From  YourTable A
     Join string_split(@arr,',') B on A.ID=value

    Or even

    Select A.*
     From  YourTable A
     Where ID in ( select value from string_split(@arr,',') )