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How to build a blog using next.js?

I'm new to web development, recently I want to build my own blog. I use Next.js to host my pages, I have already got the skeleton done, but there are still some significant problems.

  1. How to render pages from markdown file? I just don't know how others do this. Do I have to use fs in the 'server.js' file and respond to certain request by md file? Or there are other ways?

  2. If step 1 was completed, I wonder if I have <img> tags in my markdown file which refer to some local pictures, how can I render those?


  • To answer 1. You can use the npm package markdown-to-jsx .

    But I strongly recommend using Docusorous or GatsbyJS for this purpose. Both have your requirement inbuilt.

    Secondly, for Images - You can always include them in Markdown and they will be converted to JSX using markdown-to-jsx .