This is my code.
class Repository(context: Context) {
// Can access 'context' from here
val mSharedPrefsProperties = context
.getSharedPreferences(".properties"), Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
// Can't access 'context' in this function (unresolved reference: context)
private fun getApiKey(): String {
val apiKeys = context.resources.getStringArray(R.array.api_keys)
val random = Random().nextInt(apiKeys.size)
return apiKeys[random]
Is there a way to access the properties from the constructor inside functions or do I need to make them a instance/local variable?
Simple constructor parameters don't become properties of your class. That only happens by explitly making them var
or val
. You can, nevertheless, access those simple params in anything related to initialization, for example:
class ConstWithArg(param1: String) {
init {
val field1 = param1.length
var field2 = param1.length
If you need to access the parameter after construction, it should become a property by making it a val
. If you don't want anyone else to access this field outside your class, mark it as private:
class ConstWithArg(private val param1: String) {
fun useProp(){