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Edit text for OTP with Each letter in separate positions

I'm working on a application which asks for OTP when user want to reset his password for which I need a text like the one in attached Image... What I thought to proceed with is individual editText for each of the letter, All of them arranged in linear layout of horizontal orientation with some margin and max length as 1 so only one letter can be entered in each editText... Is that a right Approach?? Any Suggestions??

enter image description here


  • After all of these answers, I didn't find what I wanted as considering the UI/UX, the deletion of element was flawed in such a way that to go back to previous EditText, current EditText should not be empty.

    Here's the solution I've implemented in Kotlin which works for Deletion by the Delete Key, pressed on the keyboard. Also, the delete function is implemented as such that when the current EditText is empty and Delete key is pressed, it switches back to previous EditText and delete its element also.

    GIF showing the implementation

    1. Call the functions as such:

      //GenericTextWatcher here works only for moving to next EditText when a number is entered
      //first parameter is the current EditText and second parameter is next EditText
      editText1.addTextChangedListener(GenericTextWatcher(editText1, editText2))
      editText2.addTextChangedListener(GenericTextWatcher(editText2, editText3))
      editText3.addTextChangedListener(GenericTextWatcher(editText3, editText4))
      editText4.addTextChangedListener(GenericTextWatcher(editText4, null))
      //GenericKeyEvent here works for deleting the element and to switch back to previous EditText
      //first parameter is the current EditText and second parameter is previous EditText
      editText1.setOnKeyListener(GenericKeyEvent(editText1, null))
      editText2.setOnKeyListener(GenericKeyEvent(editText2, editText1))
      editText3.setOnKeyListener(GenericKeyEvent(editText3, editText2))
    2. Now, paste these two classes in your current class

      class GenericKeyEvent internal constructor(private val currentView: EditText, private val previousView: EditText?) : View.OnKeyListener{
          override fun onKey(p0: View?, keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?): Boolean {
              if(event!!.action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL && != && currentView.text.isEmpty()) {
                  //If current is empty then previous EditText's number will also be deleted
                  previousView!!.text = null 
                  return true
              return false
      class GenericTextWatcher internal constructor(private val currentView: View, private val nextView: View?) : TextWatcher {
          override fun afterTextChanged(editable: Editable) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              val text = editable.toString()
              when ( {
         -> if (text.length == 1) nextView!!.requestFocus()
         -> if (text.length == 1) nextView!!.requestFocus()
         -> if (text.length == 1) nextView!!.requestFocus()
                  //You can use EditText4 same as above to hide the keyboard
          override fun beforeTextChanged(
              arg0: CharSequence,
              arg1: Int,
              arg2: Int,
              arg3: Int
          ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          override fun onTextChanged(
              arg0: CharSequence,
              arg1: Int,
              arg2: Int,
              arg3: Int
          ) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    Further, to disable the visible cursor, you can either use android:cursorVisible="false" in your EditText tag in the Layout or can use the java function setCursorVisible(false).

    Edit: I'm using stock widget EditTexts so if you want to display a box around them, just create a drawable layout and set it as background of EditTexts and give them a padding of 5dp. This will create a box and will make it look cooler.