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Passing more then 10 arguments to gnuplot script

In the gnuplot 5.2 manual is well explained that it is possible to use string variables ARG0, ARG1, ..., ARG9 and an integer variable ARGC to pass variables to the scripts. For example if I execute

gnuplot -persist -c "" "sin(x)" 1.23 "This is a plot title"

ARG0 holds ""
ARG1 holds the string "sin(x)"
ARG2 holds the string "1.23"
ARG3 holds the string "This is a plot title"
ARGC is 3

Is there a way to pass more then 10 arguments to a gnuplot script, please?


  • Using two files you could use something like this.

    In this example, the first script (send.plt) send the "arguments", as a single string, to second script.

    Arg2Sent = "This is a long string send to another script as a single argument"
    call "receive.plt" sprintf("%s", Arg2Sent)

    The second script (receive.plt) contain:

    array Arg[words(ARG1)]
    do for [i=1:|Arg|]{
        Arg[i] = word(ARG1, i)
        print sprintf("Arg[%2g]: %s", i, Arg[i])

    The output

    Arg[ 1]: This
    Arg[ 2]: is
    Arg[ 3]: a
    Arg[ 4]: long
    Arg[ 5]: string
    Arg[ 6]: send
    Arg[ 7]: to
    Arg[ 8]: another
    Arg[ 9]: script
    Arg[10]: as
    Arg[11]: a
    Arg[12]: single
    Arg[13]: argument

    Another example, this time using numbers.

    Arg2Sent = "0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765"
    call "receive.plt" sprintf("%s", Arg2Sent)

    The output

    Arg[ 2]: 1
    Arg[ 3]: 1
    Arg[ 4]: 2
    Arg[ 5]: 3
    Arg[ 6]: 5
    Arg[ 7]: 8
    Arg[ 8]: 13
    Arg[ 9]: 21
    Arg[10]: 34
    Arg[11]: 55
    Arg[12]: 89
    Arg[13]: 144
    Arg[14]: 233
    Arg[15]: 377
    Arg[16]: 610
    Arg[17]: 987
    Arg[18]: 1597
    Arg[19]: 2584
    Arg[20]: 4181
    Arg[21]: 6765

    A long example

    Arg2Sent = "'first filename with spaces.txt' \
    'second filename with spaces.txt' \
    'third filename with spaces.txt' \
    'fourth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'fifth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'sixth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'seventh filename with spaces.txt' \
    'eighth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'ninth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'tenth  filename with spaces.txt' \
    'eleventh filename with spaces.txt' \
    'twelfth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'thirteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'fourteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'fifteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'sixteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'seventeenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'eighteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'nineteenth filename with spaces.txt' \
    'twentieth filename with spaces.txt'"
    call "receive.plt" sprintf("%s", Arg2Sent)

    The output

    Arg[ 1]: first filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 2]: second filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 3]: third filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 4]: fourth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 5]: fifth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 6]: sixth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 7]: seventh filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 8]: eighth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[ 9]: ninth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[10]: tenth  filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[11]: eleventh filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[12]: twelfth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[13]: thirteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[14]: fourteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[15]: fifteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[16]: sixteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[17]: seventeenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[18]: eighteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[19]: nineteenth filename with spaces.txt
    Arg[20]: twentieth filename with spaces.txt

    One last example

    Arg2Sent = "data.dat 1 2 'lp pt 6' 'pi -1' blue 'A randon example'"
    call "receive.plt" sprintf("%s", Arg2Sent)

    The receive.plt contain

    array Arg[words(ARG1)]
    do for [i=1:|Arg|]{
        Arg[i] = word(ARG1, i)
    filename     = sprintf("%s", Arg[1])
    firstcolumn  = int(Arg[2])
    secondcolumn = int(Arg[3])
    plottype     = sprintf("%s", Arg[4])
    pointstyle   = sprintf("%s", Arg[5])
    color        = sprintf("'%s'", Arg[6])
    title        = sprintf("%s", Arg[7])
    plot filename u firstcolumn:secondcolumn w @plottype @pointstyle lc @color t title 

    The output

    graph output