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R - find overlapping dates per group based on another data frame

I have a data frame with rainfall measurements from several rain gauges, like the sample below:

> rnfl
     ID       date value
1   250 2000-03-01  5.37
2   250 2000-03-02  0.00
3   250 2000-03-03  2.94
4   250 2000-03-04  0.00
5   250 2000-03-05  0.00
6   250 2000-03-06  0.00
7   250 2000-03-07  2.76
8   250 2000-03-08  3.06
9   250 2000-03-09 31.05
10  250 2000-03-10  9.48
11  250 2000-03-11  0.00
12  250 2000-03-12  0.00
13  250 2000-03-13  0.00
14  732 2011-05-01  2.40
15  732 2011-05-02 15.60
16  732 2011-05-03  8.80
17  732 2011-05-04 47.00
18  732 2011-05-05 45.40
19  732 2011-05-06  5.85
20  732 2011-05-07  0.00
21  732 2011-05-08  0.00
22  732 2011-05-09  0.80
23  732 2011-05-10  0.00
24 1439 2006-08-01  0.00
25 1439 2006-08-02  0.00
26 1439 2006-08-03  0.00
27 1439 2006-08-04  0.00
28 1439 2006-08-05  0.00
29 1439 2006-08-06  0.00
30 1439 2006-08-07  0.00
31 1439 2006-08-08  0.00
32 1440 2000-03-06  0.00
33 1440 2000-03-07  4.57
34 1440 2000-03-08  3.06
35 1440 2000-03-09  9.02
36 1440 2000-03-10  4.23
37 1534 2000-04-01 14.94
38 1534 2000-04-02 43.65
39 1534 2000-04-03  0.00
40 1534 2000-04-04  0.00
41 1534 2000-04-05  0.00

I also have a data frame with each gauge's ID along with the ID's of the nearest few gauges and their distance:

> near
    ID ID_nearest distance
1  250       1440  1102.65
2  250        732  3881.40
3  250       1534 15479.97
4  250       1439 19231.39
5  253        499   909.27
6  253         89  2219.03
7  253        815  2452.21
8  254         64 11254.43
9  255        237 11607.83
10 256        416  4503.37
11 256        921 10132.95
12 256       1210 11449.56

For example, gauge ID 250 has four close neighbors: ID's 1440, 732, 1534 and 1439. For each combination like this in near, I need to find the overlapping dates between the main and the surrounding gauges. In other words, I need to find whether gauges 1440, 732, 1534 and 1439 have any dates which overlaps ID 250.

The expected output would be something like this:

   ID ID_nearest common_date_begin  common_date_end diff_days
1 250       1440        2000-03-06       2000-03-10         4
2 250        732              <NA>             <NA>        NA
3 250       1534              <NA>             <NA>        NA
4 250       1439              <NA>             <NA>        NA

and so on for each ID in near.

How do I achieve this? Thank you very much.

Required data to reproduce this question:

rnfl <- structure(list(ID = c(250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 
250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 250L, 732L, 732L, 732L, 732L, 732L, 
732L, 732L, 732L, 732L, 732L, 1439L, 1439L, 1439L, 1439L, 1439L, 
1439L, 1439L, 1439L, 1440L, 1440L, 1440L, 1440L, 1440L, 1534L, 
1534L, 1534L, 1534L, 1534L), date = structure(c(11017, 11018, 
11019, 11020, 11021, 11022, 11023, 11024, 11025, 11026, 11027, 
11028, 11029, 15095, 15096, 15097, 15098, 15099, 15100, 15101, 
15102, 15103, 15104, 13361, 13362, 13363, 13364, 13365, 13366, 
13367, 13368, 11022, 11023, 11024, 11025, 11026, 11048, 11049, 
11050, 11051, 11052), class = "Date"), value = c(5.37, 0, 2.94, 
0, 0, 0, 2.76, 3.06, 31.05, 9.48, 0, 0, 0, 2.4, 15.6, 8.8, 47, 
45.4, 5.85, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.57, 3.06, 
9.02, 4.23, 14.94, 43.65, 0, 0, 0)), row.names = c(NA, -41L), class = "data.frame")
near <- structure(list(ID = c("250", "250", "250", "250", "253", "253", 
"253", "254", "255", "256", "256", "256"), ID_nearest = c("1440", 
"732", "1534", "1439", "499", "89", "815", "64", "237", "416", 
"921", "1210"), distance = c(1102.65, 3881.4, 15479.97, 19231.39, 
909.27, 2219.03, 2452.21, 11254.43, 11607.83, 4503.37, 10132.95, 
11449.56)), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = "data.frame")


  • An option using data.table:

    setDT(near)[, c("ID", "ID_nearest") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols=c("ID", "ID_nearest")]
    m <- rnfl[rnfl, on=.(date), {
        k <- x.ID!=i.ID
    m[near, on=.(ID, ID_nearest)][, 
        diff_days := common_date_end - common_date_begin][]


         ID ID_nearest common_date_begin common_date_end distance diff_days
     1: 250       1440        2000-03-06      2000-03-10  1102.65    4 days
     2: 250        732              <NA>            <NA>  3881.40   NA days
     3: 250       1534              <NA>            <NA> 15479.97   NA days
     4: 250       1439              <NA>            <NA> 19231.39   NA days
     5: 253        499              <NA>            <NA>   909.27   NA days
     6: 253         89              <NA>            <NA>  2219.03   NA days
     7: 253        815              <NA>            <NA>  2452.21   NA days
     8: 254         64              <NA>            <NA> 11254.43   NA days
     9: 255        237              <NA>            <NA> 11607.83   NA days
    10: 256        416              <NA>            <NA>  4503.37   NA days
    11: 256        921              <NA>            <NA> 10132.95   NA days
    12: 256       1210              <NA>            <NA> 11449.56   NA days

    for larger datasets, it would make sense to collapse rnfl into rows of ranges for each consecutive periods for each ID before performing an overlapping join and then lookup these overlaps into near:

    #summarize into consecutive periods
    summ <- rnfl[, .(startdate=date[1L], enddate=date[.N]),
        .(ID, g=cumsum(c(0L, diff(date)!=1L)))]
    #perform overlapping join
    setkey(summ, startdate, enddate)
    olap <- unique(foverlaps(summ, summ)[ID!=i.ID, .(
        ID1=pmin(ID, i.ID),
        ID2=pmax(ID, i.ID),
        common_date_begin=pmax(startdate, i.startdate),
        common_date_end=pmin(enddate, i.enddate))])
    #sorry I forgot to sort the IDs in the original post. have fixed here    
    near[, c("ID1", "ID2") := .(pmin(ID, ID_nearest), pmax(ID, ID_nearest))]
    #lookup join for overlapping dates and calc dates diff
    cols <- c("common_date_begin", "common_date_end")
    near[olap, on=.(ID1, ID2), (cols) := mget(paste0("i.", cols))][,
        diff_days := common_date_end - common_date_begin][]


            ID ID_nearest       dist ID1  ID2 common_date_begin common_date_end diff_days
       1:    1       1117  3022.2234   1 1117        2000-03-01      2006-12-03      2468
       2:    1        386 16107.7359   1  386        2006-01-01      2006-12-03       336
       3:    1        920 17327.0028   1  920        2000-03-01      2004-11-04      1709
       4: 1000        688   401.5005 688 1000        2019-12-25      2019-12-31         6
       5: 1000         48  5576.3986  48 1000        2000-03-01      2006-12-03      2468
    2649:  992        318 12462.7490 318  992        2006-01-01      2017-06-16      4184
    2650:  996        448     0.0000 448  996        2019-12-25      2019-12-31         6
    2651:  997       1085   498.8696 997 1085        2000-03-01      2017-01-22      6171
    2652:  997        390 17627.1155 390  997        2003-08-08      2017-01-22      4916
    2653:  999        467  5392.2740 467  999        2007-11-14      2019-04-09      4164

    Total timing is about 5s on my PC including reading in the large file and format the date column. The processing code takes about 1.5s.


    near <- fread("near.csv")
    rnfl <- fread("rnfl.csv")
    lu <- rnfl[, .(date={cd <- unique(date)}, DATE=as.IDate(cd))]
    rnfl[lu, on=.(date), date := DATE][, date := as.IDate(as.integer(date))]