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How to use continue keyword to skip to beginning of a loop in Scala

How to use continue keyword to skip to beginning of a loop in Scala?

while(i == "Y") {
    println("choose an item id between 1 and 4")
    val id =
    if(id >= 5) {
        println("not a valid id. please choose again")

I know there is breakable and break abstracts provided by Scala but that doesn't seem to achieve my functionality.


  • In functional programming recursion is kind of loop, so consider the following approach

    @tailrec def readInputRecursively(count: Int): Option[Int] = {
      if (count == 0) {
        println("Failed to choose correct id")
      } else {
        println(s"choose an item id between 1 and 4 ($count remaining attempts)")
        val id = StdIn.readInt()
        if (id >= 5) readInputRecursively(count - 1) else Some(id)
    readInputRecursively(3).map { input =>
      // do something with input