Let's put concept on table first.
I have voice assistant type of feature for my website.
How that works?
- User will type some random phrase and hit enter.
- That phrase will go to A REST API (having AI capability on server) it will decide user
intent behind that phrase and respond with some relevant text.
- I will be converting that text in to a speech, say mp3 file.
Flow of converting text to speech:
- Received text check against a Javascript collection of object
- If phrase found in that then play speech file using path in that object.
if not found make an Ajax request to local server and call text to speech third party API to receive binary data which can be stored as mp3 file.
Store path of that file, text and timestamp. (Which can be used in Js collection of object)
Now the questions are:
Should I use MySQL to handle that?
or should I use simple JSON file for it?
Which way is efficient from storage and speed point of view?
- if I use MySQL (Please do not suggest to change) then I will need to restrict number of phrase record to 200 entries.
- I am concerned with ease of, minimum time for process and load of that process.
- We have to take amount of time end user will be on wait until this process take place to hear received text in a form of speech
These are the biggest processors:
- AI
- Text to MP3
- MP3 to text
Any database is very far down the list of concerns. It sounds like your system might execute 1 query-per-second. Performance issues don't start until 100 or 1000 qps.
As for storage:
- 100-1000 bytes for meta information, versus
- 10K-100K bytes for MP3 (input or output)
- 100GB-1TB for typical low-end server
So, who cares whether MySQL datbase or JSON file is 'bigger'.