I am working on a chart bar that the x-axis is a date aggregated by month. ¿Is is posible to aggregate by day but only show the last day of each month using a filter o by other way? Other possibility i see is to create a calculated field to show the value for the last day of the aggregated period but i have not been able to do it ¿Is it posible?
i finally solve it like this using the posted formulas:
And because current month have not ended so i don't have data for the the last day i use an ifelse like this:
>= now()
And finally i created de following calculated field:
sumIf(base,formatDate(date,'yyyy-MM-dd') = formatDate({fecha_last_day},'yyyy-MM-dd'))
The result:
The value related to the last day for each month, and for current month the last day with able data