I'm currently using NgRx 8 to store images with imagename and url:
export default class AzureImage {
Id: number;
Name: string;
Url: string;
I have a list of all Images in my Homecomponent, if i click on one Image, a new component is loaded with ImageDetails. In the URL i have the id of the image. Now i want to get the ImageName of the AzureImage-Object. So i call the store and get the AzureImage-Object with the is. When i print the Object to the console, i can see the Object with name and url.
But if i call Object.Name afterwards the Name is always undefined.
Here is the Component-Class:
export class AzureimagedetailsComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private aspNetApiService: AspNetApiService, private store: Store<{ azureImages: AzureImageState }>) { }
ngOnInit() {
let id = +this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
map(store => {
return store.AzureImages[id];
).subscribe((k: AzureImage) => {
console.log('Here i can see the Object with the Name',k)
if (k !== null && k !== undefined) {
console.log('Here is the name undefined',k.Name)
map(x => {
this.analyzedImage = x;
I'm new to NgRx for State Management. Am i midding something or is it normal that i can' access properties of objects?
You need to make sure your model matches what is returned from the backend OR map to the front end model
export default class AzureImage {
id: number;
name: string; // or whatever BE returns
url: string;
OR in API service
getAll(): Observable<AzureImage[]> {
map(data => data.map(d => {
return {
Id: d.id,
Name: d.name,
Url: d.url