I have an abstract class like the following
export abstract class Foo {
public f1() {
and two more classes extending the base
export class Boo extends Foo {
export class Moo extends Foo {
Now I have a custom decorator like the following
export function Bla() {
return (target: any, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
so my initial class is the following (with the decorator)
export abstract class Foo {
public f1() {
is there a way in the decorator to distinguish which call sourced from each superclass?
so far what I have tried are checking prototypes / constructors of target
but I do not seem to find a way to access / understand from which class it was sourced. Is there a way to figure it out or I am doing something really wrong?
Thank you.
The trick to it is tapping into the method call itself and inspecting the class instance:
function Bla(target: any, propKey: string | symbol | d: PropertyDescriptor) {
let originalMethod = target[propKey];
// return new property descriptor for the method, replacing the original one
return {
value: function () {
let instance = this; // will be the instance ref because of 'function' literal
let classReference = instance.constructor; // <-- this is what we need
if (classReference === Boo) {
// called from Boo class
// call original method
return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);