I am trying to import dicts named 'tasks' from different python files (*.py).
The paths are stored in my array directories['code']
. Not all files contain one of these tasks dicts.
The problem is, once a file with a dict was found, 'foo' will be set to that dict, but won't be reset, even if the next file does not have a dict.
However, 'foo' will be assigned correctly again, once another file was found containing a new dict.
I wonder if this is because importlib
is searching an entire tree, not just the exact path?
And of course, how can I fix this?
import importlib
for i in range(len(directories['code'])):
foo = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('file', directories['code'][i]).load_module().tasks
foo = '0'
Your code is valid, there is one place where is something goes wrong -- directories['code'][i]
, -- so try to use i
for i in ['test/__init__.py', 'test/__init__2.py']:
foo = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('file', i).load_module().__version__
foo = 0
print(i, foo)
# test/__init__.py 1.0.0
# test/__init__2.py 0