I am using HERE Maps JS API. I am able to request a route based on start and end positions. Now, the route shows all the maneuvers in a single response like an array as shown in the figure below. How can I figure out which maneuver to select based on the latitude and longitude of current position?
You should loop over maneuver
array and check the distance between the maneuver's position and desired geo location using H.geo.Point#distance method, something like this:
// ...
// assuming we're in calculateRoute response callback
// and result is callback's parameter
var maneuver = result.response.route[0].leg[0].maneuver,
testPosition = {lat: 50, lng: 13},
minDistance = Infinity;
// calculate the closest maneuver
maneuver.forEach(function(man) {
let currManeuverPoint = new H.geo.Point(
currDistance = currManeuverPoint.distance(testPosition);
if (currDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = currDistance;
closestManeuver = man;
closestManeuverPoint = currManeuverPoint;
console.log('closest maneuver (%s m) is at: {lat: %s, lng: %s}: \n %s', Math.round(minDistance), closestManeuverPoint.lat, closestManeuverPoint.lng, closestManeuver.instruction);
I created simple jsfiddle example which shows a route in Berlin and calculates closest maneuver point (rendered as marker) on each mouse click. Check the console log for detailed information about closest maneuver point.