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How to embedd a gpg key in static Nikola websites?

What is the best way to include gpg public keys on a website, which is generated by the Nikola website generator?

  • It should be easy to import by visitors.
  • Nikola must not the key while rendering the page.

Edit: After 7 months I think the ideal solution makes use of WKD


  • As a default, all files within the files/ folder will be copied 1:1 into the output files. So if you're using the default config: to have your public key on your page, you can simply store it in files/key.txt and it will be available as

    In the you can find the following:

    # One or more folders containing files to be copied as-is into the output.
    # The format is a dictionary of {source: relative destination}.
    # Default is:
    # FILES_FOLDERS = {'files': ''}
    # Which means copy 'files' into 'output'```