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Why my links inside iFrame oEmbed doesn't work in Wordpress?

Thank you for reading my question!

I've been struggling with this WordPress oEmbed issue for a few days and tried everything I can.

Issue: When I put oEmbed link in my Wordpress post article, the iFrame card renders properly, but somehow the links inside the embedded content don't do anything when I click them.

Here's the iframe output code. I noticed there are several attributes for security settings.

<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" data-secret="zMkRyFvhFL" width="600" height="200" title="“【バハマ 】アトランティス 水族館の徹底解説” — サチーズのブログ" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" data-src="" class="wp-embedded-content lazyloaded" src=""><noscript><iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="zMkRyFvhFL" width="600" height="338" title="&#8220;【バハマ 】アトランティス 水族館の徹底解説&#8221; &#8212; サチーズのブログ" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></noscript></iframe>

and the link <a> tags are output like this

<a href="" target="_top">【バハマ 】アトランティス 水族館の徹底解説</a>

Environment: Wordpress Version: 4.9.13 (I've not updated for a while as I don't like the new Wordpress feature)

Page URL:

What I've tried so far

  • Changing the theme => no change
  • Removing sandbox and security attributes in the Chrome developer tool => no change
  • Tried other links for embed (Youtube page) => All the links work perfectly
  • Checked my server security setting => Cannot find any outstanding item that affects (as far as I can tell)
  • Try oEmbed with other WP website I have under same server. => Works

I'd appreciate your help! Thank you :)


  • I disabled the LazyLoad feature on iframe by checking if off from the Media Types field on the plugin setting panel. Now the oEmbed link works perfectly! :D