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Hide error message on Policy failure in Istio

If I define an AuthorizationPolicy in Istio which is violated, the error message is returned to me, for example:

INTERNAL:performing check operation failed: 1 error occurred:%0A%09* rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = RBAC: access denied%0A%0A

Is there a way I can hide the message?

Istio version: 1.4.5


  • Based on below istio github code

    // CheckRBACRequest checks if a request is successful under RBAC policies.
    // Under RBAC policies, a request is consider successful if:
    // * If the policy is allow:
    // *** Response code is 200
    // * If the policy is deny:
    // *** For HTTP: response code is 403.
    // *** For TCP: EOF error
    func (tc TestCase) CheckRBACRequest() error {
        req := tc.Request
        headers := make(http.Header)
        if len(tc.Jwt) > 0 {
            headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+tc.Jwt)
        for k, v := range tc.Headers {
            headers.Add(k, v)
        tc.Request.Options.Headers = headers
        resp, err := req.From.Call(tc.Request.Options)
        if tc.ExpectAllowed {
            if err == nil {
                err = resp.CheckOK()
            if err != nil {
                return getError(req, "allow with code 200", fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
        } else {
            if req.Options.PortName == "tcp" || req.Options.PortName == "grpc" {
                expectedErrMsg := "EOF" // TCP deny message.
                if req.Options.PortName == "grpc" {
                    expectedErrMsg = "rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = RBAC: access denied"
                if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
                    expect := fmt.Sprintf("deny with %s error", expectedErrMsg)
                    actual := fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err)
                    return getError(req, expect, actual)
            } else {
                if err != nil {
                    return getError(req, "deny with code 403", fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
                var result string
                if len(resp) == 0 {
                    result = "no response"
                } else if resp[0].Code != response.StatusCodeForbidden {
                    result = resp[0].Code
                if result != "" {
                    return getError(req, "deny with code 403", result)
        return nil

    As far as I'm concerned, and based on above code, you would have to actually change istio code to achieve what you need.